Important Policies & Forms

Important information to know before you attend a track day



  • 31 days or more before an event: event fees minus a $50 processing fee will be refunded. Alternatively, this amount can be credited to your HOD account for use at another HOD event in the same region (valid for 12 months)
  • 11 – 30 days before an event: event fees, minus a $100 per event day cancellation fee, will be credited to your HOD account for use at another HOD event in the same region (valid for 12 months).
  • 10 days or less before an event, or are a no-show at an event, all event fees will be forfeited.

We are aware of the logistical requirements of our hobby and things don’t always work out exactly as planned. Please contact the representative for your region with any questions.



Most Race Tracks have specific policies which HOD and all users must follow. Sound level restrictions are most common. Drivers who are asked to leave for violating track policies can not be refunded.



HOD is required by contract to arrive and prepare to hold our events regardless of the weather forecast. Therefore, our customers also need to arrive and be ready to drive. If track management deems it unsafe to drive due to track conditions or unsafe conditions for track workers, a date may be cancelled with appropriate credit given for the lost driving opportunity. Note: A high percentage of our events that had forecasts for bad weather or precipitation ended up having quality time on track during the day.  Most drivers have discovered that it was a great deal of fun and very good experience to drive on track in wet conditions


The driver involved in an incident is responsible for costs of damage to the track surface, damage to the track facilities, towing, fire/rescue services, and cleanup, including dry sweep. Any charges incurred from these incidents will be billed to the card on file from the registration of the event. 

HOD does not allow vehicles without rollover protection to be driven at our High-Performance Driving Events (HPDE).

List of known convertible cars that do NOT have “factory roll over protection” and would be required to “add approved rollover protection” to run:

BMW Z3 1996-97 without factory roll over hoops (1998 and newer are approved to run)
Camaro Convertible Pre-2012
Corvette Convertible up to C5 Pre-2005  not approved  (C6 and newer are approved to run)
Dodge Viper RT Convertible 1992-2003 (SRT 2004 and newer are approved to run)
Firebird Convertible
Mazda Miata  NA/NB 1990‐2005  (2006 and newer are approved to run)
Mustang all models Convertible
Lexus SC 430 Convertible
Porsche 993 Cabriolet, pre‐1998 Porsche 996 (air‐cooled)
Pontiac Solstice & GXP
Saturn Sky
Toyota Solaris

High Center of Gravity, (HCG) are not allowed at HOD HPDE events.  This includes SUVs, 4X4 Trucks, CJ Jeep-type vehicles, cars and trucks with lift-kits, and Minivans.  If you are uncertain about the eligibility of your vehicle, contact your HOD Region.

Hooked On Driving Passenger Ride Policy:

HOD recognizes that sharing our experience is part of the fun. With our primary concern being safety and the smooth operation of our events, we have instituted this policy to accommodate passenger ride requests:

  1. A driver, who has been solo-signed off by HOD, may have a passenger who is 14 years old or older ride with them in the car. Waivers are required as mentioned below. This minimum age is based on policies of the individual race tracks.*

  2. In all situations, passengers are to be provided with the same level of restraint system as the driver.
  3. Passengers who are 16-17 must have a release form with a wet signature provided to HOD at the Track. This can be signed at the event by the parent or guardian of the minor riding in the vehicle. (This waiver policy must also be followed for a 16-17 year old to be a driver).

  4. In all cases – THIS IS A REVOCABLE PRIVILEGE. If the Safety Steward, Group Leader, or Event Manager observes any behavior while driving with a passenger that shows evidence of “showing off” or lack of concentration by the driver, or attentiveness to traffic, the car will be immediately black flagged and the passenger will be required to exit the car – there will be no second chance on this decision.

    *Tracks who allow passengers as young as 14 years old will be allowed on a case by case basis, with confirmation from the track, provided the above parameters are met.

The parent or guardian must sign the forms in front of the HOD rep. Any questions, please contact your region.

Download Waiver Here 

HOD nationally, requires FIA or SFI-certified Head and Neck Restraints (HNR) for any drivers and/or passengers in cars equipped with and utilizing 5 or 6 -point harnesses during an HOD event.

Currently, approved head and neck restraint systems are:

  • NecksGen
  • HANS
  • Schroth SHR Flex
  • Stand 21 Ultimate, Hitech, and Club Series
  • Z Neck Tech (Zamp)
  • Simpson Hybrid S

HOD strongly recommends the use of one of these devices with a 4-point belt system. 

The HNR systems listed above have not been certified for four-point systems, but we believe to be effective. 

Also, the Schroth ASM four-point belt system has been tested by the manufacturer and found effective, but is not officially certified (SFI/FIA).

HOD Policy Regarding: LeMons, World Racing League, and Chumpcar

LeMons, WRL, and Chumpcar race cars are welcomed at HOD, as are their driving teams – under these circumstances:

  1. You must be able to show documentation that your car has competed, and thus, passed inspection at one of the sanctioning bodies’ events. This means – NO brand new LeMons, WRL, or Chump cars will run at HOD as their first track test. With Chump Cars, you’ll be asked to show us the logbook for the car. With Lemons and WRL, we’ll need to have an event tech sticker or a document showing this car in competition (i.e. results sheet).
  2. HOD reserves the right to do its own inspection and deny admission for any reason – with a full refund of any pre-paid registration.
  3. Any non-stock part/appendage that is attached to the car (example: a stop sign attached to the trunk, or buzz-saw blade attached to the grill) will be inspected for grade 8 hardware and race-quality installation that appears clearly able to stay attached under any unforeseen circumstance. If this clause is invoked based on a flimsy addition, the team will be given the option of removing this attachment before they run on track.
  4. Two mechanical black flags and/or tows mean the end of day for the car.
  5. Drivers will be carefully evaluated to be certain that they are in the correct run group for their skill level. HOD reserves the right to move a driver to a different run group at a moment’s notice. One option for the teams: purchase more than one slot in the event, to accommodate drivers of different skill levels i.e. If you have two highly experienced drivers, they can share a slot in the C or D group, but if you also have an intermediate driver, he should buy a second slot for the B/Intermediate group…this way all drivers are in appropriate groups, and get ample track time.

No alcohol to be consumed by drivers or anywhere in the paddock before the final checkered flag.

All are welcome at Hooked On Driving, and we encourage everyone to remain ego-free. HOD event organizers reserve the right to remove attendees for actions that intimidate or endanger other drivers on or off track.

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